Our Team
Xiushi Suzy Liu, MD, FHRS
Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology.
Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine, Adult Cardiovascular Disease
Diplomate, National Board of Echocardiography
Dr. Xiushi Suzy Liu graduated Summa cum laude from Bethune Medical University in 1993. She completed three-year residency training in Fuwai Cardiovascular Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing before pursuing graduate study in pharmacology in USA. Dr. Liu resumed her medical training in 2003 after fulfilling two-year postdoc training in cardiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University.
The ensuing 8 years consisted of 3 years of internal medicine residency training at Boston University affiliated Roger William Medical Center, 3 years of cardiology fellowship training at combined cardiology fellowship program of University of Texas Medical Branch and Debakey Methodist Hospital, 1 year of clinical electrophysiology fellowship training in Cedars Sinai Medical Center, as well as 1 year working as hospitalist in Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Harvard Medical School and clinical instructor in Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Liu joined private practice in greater Los Angeles in 2011 and promoted to partnership in 2013. She set up her own solo practice in cardiac electrophysiology and cardiology at Arcadia, CA since January 1, 2020. She holds privileges in 4 hospitals, including Methodist hospital of Southern California, Huntington memorial hospital, Garfield medical center and Beverly hospital. Her clinical interests span from catheter ablation of tachyarrhythmia, device implant and follow up as well as echocardiography.
劉秀實醫師2011年开始在洛杉矶行医,2013年晋升为康柏医疗中心的合伙人,2020年初建立自己的獨立診所,是心臟科和心臟電生理學专业醫師。她的臨床專業知識著重於室上性心律失常及複雜心律失常導管消融等心血管疾病。劉秀實醫師也是心臟起博器和除顫器植入裝置的專家; 亦是超声心动專家。 她在四家醫院行醫,Methodist hospital of Southern California (美以美醫院), Huntington memorial hospital (漢廷頓紀念醫院), Garfield medical center (嘉惠爾醫院)and Beverly hospital (貝弗利醫院).
劉秀實醫師以Summa Cum Laude 最高榮譽的優異成績畢業於中國白求恩醫科大學(Bethune Medical University, China) ,之后三年在中国醫學科學院北京阜外心血管医院做住院醫師。 来美后她繼續在美國波士頓大學,羅傑威廉斯醫療中心(Boston University, Roger William Medical Center) 實習完成了她的住院醫師專業訓練。再於哈佛大學(Harvard Medical School) 醫學院的附屬教學醫院—貝斯以色列(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) 任職內科醫師。隨後完成了在德克薩斯大學醫學院(University of Texas Medical Branch)及休斯頓衛理公會醫院聯合主辦的心臟科醫學院院士綜合培訓計劃。隨著對電生理學臨床專科的特有興趣, 劉秀實醫師更進一步在加州(California) 洛杉磯(Los Angeles) 的西奈醫療中心(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center) 完成了心臟電生理學臨床專科培訓。
除了她在醫療服務的成就外,劉秀實醫師也進行了大量有見解的臨床研究,包括哈佛醫學院(Harvard Medical School)的附屬醫院布萊根婦女醫療中心(Brigham and Women’s Hospital) 的博士後臨床研究(Postdoctoral Fellowship)。
劉秀實醫師是美国华裔心脏协会前任主席(2018-2020),世界華人心血管醫師協會副會長(2019-2022) 。